Monday, August 31, 2015

Volume 2 Assignment

Volume 2 Assignment Video

This is my second attempt at animating. I'm much more fond of the jump that I have the turret do initially, because I now know ways to make jumps look smoother and more natural. I tried to make the turret walk, but I think it looks too rushed, and it's way more difficult than I thought to make a three-legged character walk. I don't really know how to create a good walk cycle yet, so since I wanted the turret to walk more than one step I had to animate it all manually. I think if I had more time then I would be able to make the walk look much better. I don't like the second jump that the turret does as much as the first one, because I kind of rushed the second jump and didn't take enough time to polish it. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Principles of Animation

Squash and Stretch
-Action that gives the illusion of weight and volume to an object. 
-Example: The bouncy ball is a classic example of squash and stretch. Even though bouncy balls don't have a tremendous amount of weight to them, the squash and stretch of the ball clues us in to the material the ball is made of. 

-A movement that prepares the audience for a major action that the character is about to perform; the recoil before an action. 
-Example: The jumper crouches closer to the ground before jumping. This recoil gives the audience a hint that he is about to jump, and makes the jump look much more realistic. 

-The position of all objects on camera, including the background and the character. 
-Example: In this scene, the character is in the center of the camera, with the objects in the background slightly blurred. This makes it clear that the focal point of the scene is the rat. 

Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose Animation
-Straight ahead animation starts at the first drawing of a scene and works through each individual drawing to the end. Pose to pose animation charts key poses and actions at important intervals in the scene first. 
-Example: The pose to pose animation seen here seems jumpy and disjointed. This is because the artist has only drawn the most major action points in the animation. 

Follow Through and Overlapping Action
-When the main body of the character stops and all other small parts continue to catch up to the main mass of the characters. Hair, long clothing, floppy ears, or a tail follow the path of action of the main body but will still swing through after the body has stopped. Overlapping action is when the character changes direction but their clothes/hair continue going forward. 
-Example: Even though Rapunzel is spinning in one direction, her hair takes a little bit longer to catch up with the rest of her body. As she spins, her hair follows through the path of action. 

Slow-Out and Slow-In
-Soften the action of an object to make it seem like it accelerates into an action naturally and decelerates out of it naturally. 
-Example: As he starts running, Jerry accelerates. Similarly, he gradually slows down a bit at the end of the action. 

-All actions follow an arc or slightly circular path. Humans and animals especially follow arcs when they walk.
-Example: Walking and swinging arms are not completely linear motions. A more natural action follows circular paths. 

Secondary Action
-Adds to and enriches the main action and adds more dimension to the character animation. Supplements and re-enforces the main action. For example; a character's main action could be walking, and a secondary action could be swinging their arms. 

-The timing of all actions. Timing is incredibly important because it needs to look natural and engage the audience. Timing can establish the mood, emotion, and reaction of a character. A variety of slow and fast timing within a scene can add texture and interest to movement. 
-Example: Delays after an action can add comedic effect to the reaction. 

Solid Drawing
-The basic principles of drawing; form, weight, volume, and the illusion of three dimensions, are all used to give preliminary drawings life. These principles apply to animation as well. 
-Example: The concept art for Monsters University uses color, light, and shadows to give the illusion of three dimensions. Even though these are just preliminary drawings leading up to a 3D animation, the picture is still full of life. 

-Appealing animations are aesthetically pleasing, and contain an engaging story line with well-developed characters. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

1st Attempt at Animating

Well, this was the first animation that I've done in a year. I used the model of the turret, and decided to juxtapose the militaristic harshness of the model with some much friendlier actions. The actions that I animate the turret through don't follow any particular plot line; I just thought they looked cute. I'm not incredibly satisfied with the way the jumps or swivels, but I didn't want to let my perfectionistic tendencies get in the way of me finishing the project in a timely manner. This little project was a good way to reacclimate me with animation, and helped refresh my memory about animating and polishing the motion of objects. I used the Dope Sheet for the first time to help adjust the timing of my animation, and I found it really useful when I needed to move keyframes around. Speaking of frames; I could've sworn that this animation was over five seconds but Windows Media Player says it's only four seconds. Apparently I can't do basic math when it comes to calculating how many seconds my animation would take. If I could go back and continue working on this for a tiny bit more, I would definitely extend the action so that it fills up more time. I would also go back and try to make the jump at the beginning seem more natural. Making objects look like they're jumping seems to be something I have trouble with. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why Animation?

You might be wondering why a technologically impaired individual such as myself would want to continue on and take Advanced Animation. I'm a senior in high school, and I've already got enough on my plate as far as rigorous classes and college applications are concerned. I could've taken a few off periods instead of taking animation. I could've relaxed and enjoyed a few extra hours of peace. I didn't want to do that. I took animation because I want to create. I want to tell stories in a way that most people aren't used to telling them. I want to learn how to tackle the software that's presented to me, and put an end to my computer illiteracy. I've never been fantastic at drawing or painting, but I love making up stories, and I want to know how to utilize 3D animation in order to tell those stories. I don't know if I will ever become an animator. If I do, then this class would certainly have been helpful. If I don't, the worth of this class will never be diminished to me because I'll always remember it as something that I loved doing.